With a plethora of information consisting mostly of unique search terms there's no doubt you could have an overwhelmingly long test after doing this. These answers may vary depending on their needs but Google's algorithm can detect the context of their query and display the most relevant pages. For example the keyword barley grass returns informational articles that talk about its health benefits rather than pages created to sell barley grass products. Search intent for information Keyword provide advice for informational questions To create informative search intent optimized blog content you need to give your readers sound advice.
Here are a few ways you can do that Sharing tips through lifestyle content The best way to create content for a keyword with informational search intent is mobile number list simply to answer the user's question . That is it. Check out the knowledge graph our team created for the keyword tips for cleaning refrigerators . Informational search intent example Sharing tips through lifestyle content Suggest relevant products If the user's search is looking for product options to fill a need your blog content should focus on suggesting relevant products.
Make sure to shift your focus from promoting your products to promoting their benefits. Here is an example of a blog we created for those looking for anti-aging supplements Informative search intent example suggest relevant products These types of blogs can also be used for keywords with transactional or commercial search intent. All you have to do is focus on the right parts that can meet the user's needs. Provide details for transactional inquiries Transactional search intent keywords are there to help searchers who want to buy an item.