The results are impressive. An overview Phone Number Database of the best universities in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Other countries will follow soon. This real-time overview is ' based on career outcomes ', as LinkedIn aptly puts it. A good way for students to orient themselves and for educational institutions to Phone Number Database monitor performance. LinkedIn Universities Rankings Solving economic problems But LinkedIn wants to go one step further. Job shifts, growing and shrinking industries, and trends in open and filled vacancies: LinkedIn can provide a complete analysis of economic movements.
That is the reason for the introduction Phone Number Database of the Economic Graph . And although LinkedIn has thousands of employees, the company wants to use the power of the masses to think about economic developments. Economic Graph Challenge - LinkedIn With the Economic Graph challenge , LinkedIn wants to stimulate researchers, academics and data fanatics to think along about economic issues. The starting point is the Phone Number Database data that LinkedIn possesses. A great crowdsourcing initiative. An even better way to exploit big data: let the crowd work as an extension of your own analysts.
LinkedIn got it. Data up for grabs I'm very curious to see what else LinkedIn has in store for us if it takes a closer look at its own data and has it examined. Can we predict where the economy is headed? There are also many possibilities in the long Phone Number Database term. Which skills are popular? What are the trends in the filling of vacancies? How do networks of connections arise? What are the fastest growing continents and where does that growth come from? As far as I'm concerned, we're seeing more such valuable initiatives!We want satisfied and loyal customers.